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Monday, December 12, 2011

the nature assignment

ALL 12 OF THESE shots are DUE, in your NATURE album, in your PhotoBucket, on FRIDAY JAN.13th for 25 points.

Images should be labeled with word(s) in BOLD below.

1)A bug's eye view of nature

2)Architectural detail- a close up shot of 'part' of a man-made thing

3)Clouds - either total sky or with 10% land/trees in the frame

4)Nature takes over- nature reclaiming its territory from man

5)Man's Impact on nature- good or bad

6)50/50- a composition that is 1/2 nature- and 1/2 man made

7)Wild animal- not a domesticated pet

8)natural Water - drops, reflections, puddles- NATURE oriented, not sinks or drinking fountains or man-made sources

9)Nature inside- some element of the natural world that has been brought inside

10)Street scene- a shot that includes the street and buildings- but almost ZERO traces of nature

11)Goldsworthy shot- make something OUT of nature, while IN nature (google image search 'andy goldsworthy' to see what this means- if you missed the presentation in class)

12)Nature Panorama - composed of a minimum of 5 separate shots and assembled in photoshop

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