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Monday, February 6, 2012

More Than Meets The Eye

As we get into digital photo manipulation, you'll find that these can be PRETTY CONVINCING sometimes... How good are YOU at spotting 'fakes'????

Take the quiz at:


..and then HONESTLY post your score as today's reaction-
which ONE was the most difficult?


Anonymous said...

I got six out of twelve correct. Ha. I can't believe that the plane was fake. That's, frankly, wizardry. T.Eliason

Anonymous said...


I think the most difficult one to figure out was the bug one. I think the only thing that made me question it was the blurring around the edges. But even then it was still questionable.

J. Schnell

Anonymous said...

i got eight out of twelve. the hardest one was the bug.


Anonymous said...

I got four right and six wrong. They were all pretty hard to determine whether or not they were real or fake. However, the hardest one was the picture of the frog.

A. Ingram

Anonymous said...

what kind of quiz is this?! i mean, whats the point here? i thought we were just learning how to make edit photos.

jesse plotner

Anonymous said...

I took the quiz and got 6/12. Most on these photos were pretty difficult to tell real from computer generated. The most difficult was the picture of the water.

Anonymous said...

I got 8 out of 12. I thought the hardest one to figure out was the bug one. I thought i did pretty well. M.Bookout(:

Anonymous said...

I got 7 out of the 12 correct. I think the whole test was challenging, because a lot of the pictures looked so real, but they turned out being fake. The animal ones were hard for me to decipher, just because I didn't think that they were real (they were that good).

R. Lundy

Anonymous said...

I got 5 out of 12.. Haha, I thought that the hardest one would have to be the plane.. I got it right but I really had to look at it..

Anonymous said...

I got four out of twelve answers right. I think the hardest were the bug ones.

Anonymous said...

The animal ones were hard. A lot of pictures are photo shopped these days. hard to find true pictures in advertisement and magazines and such.


Anonymous said...

I got eight out of twelve right. I think that the most difficult one for me was the ladybug one. I for sure thought that one was fake.

K. Paresi

Anonymous said...

I got 11 out of 12


Anonymous said...

i got 4 out of 12. I think that all of the test was difficult.

Anonymous said...


Um I'm not sure there was a lot of hard ones.


Anonymous said...

i got 7 out of 12 some of the picture look fake and some look real i had to guess on some of them

Anonymous said...

I got 5 right and i thought the bathroom was the most convincing.


Anonymous said...

I got 6/12. I thought the opne that was the most difficult was the one of beer, because the background was the same color as the beer. It looked computer generated, but it was real!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I only got 5 correct. I thought the last one of an insect on a leaf was the most difficult to tell.

Anonymous said...

I got 9/12. And I thought the picture of the helicopter was the most difficult!
R. Josi

Anonymous said...

I got a score of 50%. I think that the hardest one was the helicopter.

Anonymous said...

I only got 5 correct. I thought the last one of an insect on a leaf was the most difficult to tell.


Anonymous said...

I got 9 out of 12 right. The hardest photo was the Helicopter. It looked pretty real.

M. Newton

Anonymous said...

I got eight out of twelve. I believe the hardest ones were the bugs. I think it's so cool how the pictures have really good editing.

Anonymous said...


The hardest one for me was the one of the street with the street lamp on the sidewalk.

A. Paolo

Anonymous said...

5/12 I think the London streets one was the hardest


Anonymous said...

7/12 it was dificult
