When posting daily, remember- your post should be 3 sentences long and END with your FIRST INITIAL and LAST NAME- if you want credit!!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

TEXT WEEK assignment #3

Text AS Image

This week has been all about combining TEXT AND IMAGES.

Find a quote you can use for today's project -

Then GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH and find an appropriate photo to insert this quote into.

Here's the CATCH- the TEXT (either the entire quote or PART of it) SHOULD COMBINE WITH AND BECOME PART OF THE IMAGE ITSELF.

I don't like to show many photographic examples or DO a DEMO of this project BECAUSE everyone just copies my example when I do that... BE ORIGINAL-

DO NOT USE these examples- But-

Einstein said "creativity is more important than knowledge." So, you'd find a picture of him and have this quote literally exploding out of his head/brain done in crazy energetic colors and fonts.

Lincoln said " A house divided against itself - cannot stand. " So, you'd find a picture of a demolished house and -scatter- the words of the quote amongst the building's debris.

Chagall said
" Great art picks up where nature ends." So, you'd find a picture of A PAINTING of flowers and insert the quote into the flowers petals a color shade darker than the petals- or type it in green on the stems.

Don't forget to ATTRIBUTE your quote in the lower right hand corner of your image- That means- TYPE THE NAME OF THE PERSON WHO said this quote!

AND- just like the other 3 assignments- Post it in your TEXT WEEK album in PhotoBucket and only fill out ONE EVALUATION SHEET at the end of the week for all 4 assignments...

Good luck dudes!

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