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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PhotoShop Disasters

Where'd her LEG go????

This is a site that tries to expose some of the VERY BAD
and amateurish ways some magazines and websites manipulate their photos.

BEWARE: some of these images are a bit 'saucy'- even badly photoshopped sex sells )... so be mature and DO NOT GO INSANE!!!!

Take a look:

You might think you are no EXPERT in photoshop, but these people are getting paid handsome salaries to do... THIS!

Talk about one particularly awful one that caught your eye...
Talk about one you probably wouldn't have noticed on your own...
Maybe talk about one that EVEN YOU could have fixed...
Or talk about one that doesn't look like a mistake at all, but a creative/artistic decision...

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Anonymous said...

There was one horrible one on a magazine where a guy's hand comes randomly out of his chest. The one on the blog unless I really looked at it. Most of those pictures you could notice easily.

Anonymous said...

Man that photo with all the arms was ridiculous. I can't believe that someone would really put all those extra arms in. I probably wouldn't have noticed the "you can count on me" shot.

Anonymous said...

Most of these pictures I noticed very easily. I think that the Kerr-Tastrophe was okay until I looked at it more closely. Then I noticed there are many problems with it.

Anonymous said...

One that caught my eye was the one with Oprah and her third arm. One that even I could've fixed was the one with the model and having her arm grab her leg. That one was just plain out bad. My eight year old cousin even could've fixed that one.

K. Paresi

Anonymous said...

I thought the oneymoon one was terrible because, who would want to go on a honeymoon by themself. Also it does not even look like it is just one person, it looks like there is a person infront of her that has her hands wrapped around her. I think it was a pretty dumb idea!


Anonymous said...

The very last one was bad and I wouldn't have noticed the football one. The chick with the extra boob I thought was just her ribs at first.


Anonymous said...

I think the awful one was the one on the blog. The one i probably wouldn't have notice is the one with the man and the girl and the two little kids. Most of the pictures it was pretty easy to notice.

Anonymous said...

Those edits are horrible. Arms disappearing, hands showing up in random places. Take some time to edit a picture correctly if your going to do that.

Anonymous said...

One that caught my eye was the blonde chick who is topless because the caption says her ribs look too far to the left and fake, but I think it looks realistic and proportional. The one labeled "Eight-Angle Pose" is pretty ironic because the picture is showing someone how to do something, so why would u edit a picture like that and make it impossible for someone to do that in real life? Over all, the mistakes were hard to notice but impossible not to notice after pointed out.

Anonymous said...

i never knew oprah had an extra arm. and some of the other photos, they clearly look fake. although they look good.

jesse plotner

Anonymous said...

One that caught my eye was the blonde chick who is topless because the caption says her ribs look too far to the left and fake, but I think it looks realistic and proportional. The one labeled "Eight-Angle Pose" is pretty ironic because the picture is showing someone how to do something, so why would u edit a picture like that and make it impossible for someone to do that in real life? Over all, the mistakes were hard to notice but impossible not to notice after pointed out.
R. Josi

Anonymous said...

One that was awful that totally caught my eye was the Sport 24: It's All Greek to ME where his hand is in the middle of his chest. There were a lot that I probably wouldn't have noticed, but the first one was really hard to notice. I probably could have fixed the one of the finger on Beyonce's leg.


Anonymous said...

I think the picture for the blog was horrible. I dont get how they couldnt have caught that! I think i could have fixed the one where the hand was the models leg. I didnt catch the water one at first.

Anonymous said...

I think that these pictures are completely ridiculous. An awful picture that I saw would have to be the one where Beyonce has three arms. That one would be pretty easy to fix too, because you just have to cut it out. I don't really understand how someone can make this many mistakes, it's sad.

R. Lundy

Anonymous said...

A particulary bad one was the one where they gave beyonce 2 weeners.
I probably wouldn't have noticed the bombay bicycle club one on my own, I hardly even saw a problem when they circled it for me. I think I could have even fixed the one with the guy with the hand coming out his chest.

r. borchard

Anonymous said...

The most terrible one I saw was the one in the little kid's clothing ad the little boy had his arms crossed and another pair of arms at his sides. It was sad... I thought all of the shots with extra hands in them were pretty noticeable.

A. Paolo

Anonymous said...

The "Yoga, eight angels three feet" really stood out to me because it looked really rediculous. If you're editing this picture and you didn't see that you left an extra foot in there, then you should really get your eyes checked. "Prices slashed" was hard to find what was wrong with it. It took me a minute to find that the guy only had a left arm, and to be honest, i really don't even know if that's what is wrong with it haha.


Anonymous said...

The one with Oprah freaked me out quite a bit. How could people seriously not see that they missed something?? There was one with a baby that was missing some nipples. I honestly don't think I would have even noticed. But overall these are very entertaining to look at.

J. Schnell

Anonymous said...

The worst one was the sports one with the hand sticking out of his chest. most of the pictures were easy to tell what's wrong with them, the life and style one would be hard to detect if not for the magnifying.


Anonymous said...

I think one of the worst ones was the one where there's a random fist on the guys chest. It seems like that could have easily been fixed and I don't see how the person that edited it could have not noticed. I probably wouldn't of noticed that the girl with the ribs sticking out really far up was an editing problem. I would've just thought she had a weird body.

C. Johnson

Anonymous said...

i wonder how someone could mess up that badly. they all suck. i have nothing else to say about it.


Anonymous said...

I think that the Kerr-Tastrophe was okay until I looked at it more closely. I also think that most of them were bad. I think those pictures were unique.