When posting daily, remember- your post should be 3 sentences long and END with your FIRST INITIAL and LAST NAME- if you want credit!!!


Friday, March 2, 2012

VOTE for the last time

OK, make sure you CLICK on these to see them LARGE, and really, really save your vote for the TWO you think did the BEST job on this last contest.

See the TAYLORs (HERE).

And remember,
your vote should look like this:

#2 and #7


Thank you


Monday, February 27, 2012



They say PRESIDENTS age twice as fast as 'normal' people- due to the tremendous stress, this is a digital -projection of what Obama will look like after his presidency.

If you choose to participate in this, you'll be EMAILING me your image by the end of class on THURSDAY MARCH 1st...


It is worth 10 points EXTRA CREDIT if you do a GOOD JOB- which means it is convincing/realistic...


Make this picture of - TAYLOR LAUTNER (click here for the image) - look OLD.
Use whatever PhotoShop skills you have acquired... Mr.L cannot help you with this- since it is a CONTEST!!! you are on your own...

ALSO- do not forget about THE FINAL story PROJECT!!! Telling a STORY through 20 pictures and arranging them in PowerPoint AND SHOWING IT on our FINALS day- (march 7th) is worth 50 points!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Go HERE to vote for the improved Subarus.

Just like the ANIMAL vote, vote TWICE and end with your initials...


#4, #9



(... and good luck to everyone but Tanner...)


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's Due WHEN?

1-Your INSERTING projects (3 of them) are DUE on PhotoBucket by this Friday... Unless you are entering the SUBARU contest, then THAT ONE is DUE by the end of class THURSDAY.
These are worth 30 points.

2-Your FINAL PROJECT is DUE on Finals day- Weds. Mar. 7th... that is only 13 days away!!! it is 50 BIG FAT points!

: this FINAL is a STORY told through 20 photos, assembled in a PowerPoint slideshow and PRESENTED to the class on FINALS day... What is your STORY? How will it be VISUALLY linked? (the shots should look like a series of work)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012


There are 3 INSERTING assignments that will go into your INSERTING album on your PhotoBucket by this Friday, Feb.24th for 30 points.

are graded solely on their ability to BE CONVINCING, the last one is worth 10 points just to complete it...

You WILL need to post the ORIGINAL photos with your #1 and #2 Inserts for credit.

#1- UFO over OCHS-
insert a flying saucer over the school. These work best if you use a photo of the school that YOU have taken, so you can get the 'right' amount of sky... c'mon, it'll take 10 minutes to FIND a SO-SO pic online and 9 minutes to just go take the PERFECT one...

#2- YOU in HISTORY- take a photo of yourself and insert it into a HISTORICAL scene- were you at Woodstock? Did you help raise the flag at Iwo Jima? Maybe you were right there behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at his famous "I have a dream..." speech... Or get wacky- were you with the original astronauts on the first moon landing?
THINK about taking a picture of yourself with a pose that FITS the picture you are inserting yourself into...

#3- Pimp my Ride- based on the old MTV show where people MAXXXED out their cars to an absurd degree. Trick-out my Subaru... Go for FUNNY, REALISTIC, or just plain TOUGH.
Go HERE and double click the Subaru for the LARGE IMAGE file...

Thursday, February 16, 2012


The final TEXT WEEK assignment is:


In this assignment, you will be taking a photo that HAS text in the image already and digitally ERASING it and REWRITING new text in its place.

You may use an internet image.

You MUST post the ORIGINAL IMAGE, so I can see what you changed.

DO NOT USE THIS IDEA- but think of a sign you could change, like a Burger King sign that originally lists their special deal to be rewritten to say : FREE BURGERS or FREE HUGS or even McDONALDS IS THE DEVIL!!!

A traffic sign could be rewritten to inform drivers of a new, crazy law?

A billboard?

The sign on the front of a business?

A sign here at school?

A protester's sign


Where else can you see text in a picture???


Vote for your favorite TWO merged animals.

(there's TWO pages of them...)

I suggest:

ONE VOTE for the funniest
ONE VOTE for the one that is most convincingly 'blended'

Your POST should contain your TWO VOTES and your INITIALS and look like this:

#5 and #12


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

TEXT WEEK assignment #3

Text AS Image

This week has been all about combining TEXT AND IMAGES.

Find a quote you can use for today's project -

Then GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH and find an appropriate photo to insert this quote into.

Here's the CATCH- the TEXT (either the entire quote or PART of it) SHOULD COMBINE WITH AND BECOME PART OF THE IMAGE ITSELF.

I don't like to show many photographic examples or DO a DEMO of this project BECAUSE everyone just copies my example when I do that... BE ORIGINAL-

DO NOT USE these examples- But-

Einstein said "creativity is more important than knowledge." So, you'd find a picture of him and have this quote literally exploding out of his head/brain done in crazy energetic colors and fonts.

Lincoln said " A house divided against itself - cannot stand. " So, you'd find a picture of a demolished house and -scatter- the words of the quote amongst the building's debris.

Chagall said
" Great art picks up where nature ends." So, you'd find a picture of A PAINTING of flowers and insert the quote into the flowers petals a color shade darker than the petals- or type it in green on the stems.

Don't forget to ATTRIBUTE your quote in the lower right hand corner of your image- That means- TYPE THE NAME OF THE PERSON WHO said this quote!

AND- just like the other 3 assignments- Post it in your TEXT WEEK album in PhotoBucket and only fill out ONE EVALUATION SHEET at the end of the week for all 4 assignments...

Good luck dudes!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

TEXT #2- photo collage name

You will be assembling your name from letters taken from different photos.

Find internet images for each letter of your name.

The M from the MCDONALD'S sign.
The S from a stop sign.

Use the Increase Canvas size feature in Adobe Photoshop Elements and the CROP and MOVE tools to assemble it. Edit with the CLONE STAMP as necessary.

THE HARD PART- at least ONE of your letters has to be an IMPLIED letter- NOT AN ACTUAL LETTER
(see the Eiffel Tower above ,standing in, for the letter 'i'...?) FROM A PHOTO YOU TAKE. Yes, yes, you MAY have to walk around school and look for shapes in the architecture...

This goes in your TEXT WEEK folder on PhotoBucket when you are done... And feel free to be creative with this- if you'd rather do your MOM's name or your BOYFRIEND's name- go ahead!!!!

Each TEXT WEEK ASSIGNMENT is worth 10 points and ALL 4 text week projects are due NEXT Tuesday Feb. 21st... PLEASE- only ONE evaluation sheet should be filled out for the entire week of projects...

Monday, February 13, 2012

TEXT WEEK assignment 1


In this project, you will be inserting a SINGLE WORD into an IMAGE in a way that the WORD is enhanced/explained by the image it accompanies.

WHAT will YOUR word be?
Steer clear of super simple words like LOVE and HATE, think of something more complex, use an online THESAURUS to find a synonym of a word if you think it's too simple.

Think about an image that would help to EXPLAIN the word and also think about word placement- WHERE ON THE IMAGE is the most appropriate PLACE for the word?

Remember- you will be doing this with one of YOUR OWN IMAGES!!! You'll need to take a SINGLE PHOTO just for this assignment...

TWO MORE considerations are the FONT style and the COLOR of the word...
the word INVINCIBLE written on the side of a HUGE monster TRUCK might not be appropriately done with a swirly cursive font in light, neon orange color...

All of the MINI-TEXT-WEEK assignments go in your TEXT WEEK album on PhotoBucket- Only fill out an Evaluation Sheet when you are done with all 4 projects and they are all in your PhotoBucket.


Each TEXT WEEK project
is worth 10 points-
making this week
worth 40 points

Friday, February 10, 2012



Go back to the BIG HUGE LABS site:


You'll have to CREATE AN ACCOUNT at BIG HUGE LABS to do the cube- but don't worry- it is so easy.

ONE of your cube 'sides' needs to be a TEXT side (see my example above)

IMPORTANT STEP- after you've made and SAVED the cube with ONE BLANK SIDE, open it up in PhotoShop and use the 'T' text tool to type out your TEXT side.

AT LEAST 3 of the cube sides need to be YOUR PICTURES if you want me to print this out next week.

How could this be a cool VALENTINE'S DAY gift?

Save money!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Magazine and Motivational Poster

Yesterday, you had the chance to use BIG HUGE LABS to make a fake MAGAZINE COVER (click here), today you get to make a MOTIVATIONAL or DE-MOTIVATIONAL poster (click here) from one of your pictures.

Remember to SAVE these to your PhotoBucket and I will PRINT THEM (full page, full color) next week.

These can be really cool if you put some time into them.
Remember Valentines Day is coming!!!

TODAY's BLOG is to check out these TWO sites:



Do you like the SINCERE motivational posters, or the SARCASTIC de-motivational ones?
What do you think of these?
Does any one catch your attention?
Was it the QUOTE or the IMAGE that you liked???

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Shoot it, THEN eat it


A photomeme is an online photography project that contains a series of shots all on the SAME SUBJECT-


Why would someone do this?

Would you have the patience to do this?

What sort of MEME
do you think you and your friends would contribute photos to?

How do you think this could help someone with their diet/nutrition?

*PHOON photomeme anyone?

Have 6 hours to kill? CLICK HERE.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PhotoShop Disasters

Where'd her LEG go????

This is a site that tries to expose some of the VERY BAD
and amateurish ways some magazines and websites manipulate their photos.

BEWARE: some of these images are a bit 'saucy'- even badly photoshopped sex sells )... so be mature and DO NOT GO INSANE!!!!

Take a look:

You might think you are no EXPERT in photoshop, but these people are getting paid handsome salaries to do... THIS!

Talk about one particularly awful one that caught your eye...
Talk about one you probably wouldn't have noticed on your own...
Maybe talk about one that EVEN YOU could have fixed...
Or talk about one that doesn't look like a mistake at all, but a creative/artistic decision...

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Monday, February 6, 2012

More Than Meets The Eye

As we get into digital photo manipulation, you'll find that these can be PRETTY CONVINCING sometimes... How good are YOU at spotting 'fakes'????

Take the quiz at:


..and then HONESTLY post your score as today's reaction-
which ONE was the most difficult?

The MERGE assignment

In your MERGE folder on PhotoBucket- by FRIDAY FEB.10th, you should have the following MERGES... This assignment is worth 25 points...

1) the celebrity merge we did in class as a 'practice'

2) a SAME SEX student face merge

3) an OPPOSITE SEX student face merge

4) a YOU+A CELEBRITY face merge


5) THE COMPOSITE ANIMAL merge, combining 2 or more internet photos of different animals into one, flawless NEW creature!!!

FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT you WILL need to complete an EVALUATION SHEET and turn it in.

Jones Soda Extra Credit

If you want to earn some EASY extra credit, upload YOUR PHOTOs from this class to Jones Soda.

Each one is worth ONE POINT, and you can earn up to 10 points... You have to do this and SHOW ME - on your computer- BY THE END OF FEBRUARY!!!

A few caveats:

1- the image must be TAKEN BY YOU
2- any people in the image must give their consent if your label is chosen
3- the first 3 you upload should be from ASSIGNMENTS for this class, the rest can be from your past history of photographic imagery.

Here's the link:



Friday, February 3, 2012

Face Merging


Your 15 FACE FILTERS in your FILTER album on PhotoBucket.

Your FINAL IDEA posted as a blog response to the FINAL project idea blog a couple days back.

Both are worth 10 points!

Today we are looking at FACE MERGING, these won't be DUE until NEXT FRIDAY, but we will practice with CELEBRITIES today and then work with STUDENTS faces next week...
Looks like we may need some 'retakes'...

Some of these are quite blurry!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


#1 please respond to this website that 'hosts' PhotoShop contests-
CHECK out 3 galleries and describe the CONCEPT of the gallery and then the SKILL LEVEL of the people who submitted photos to it.
Don't get 'sucked in'- it is easy to spend ALL DAY looking at stuff on this site.

#2 Make sure you have 2 celebrity headshots saved in your photobucket for our MERGE tomorrow- it helps if the celebrities are THE SAME SEX and THE SAME SKIN TONE and if the shots are straight, head on, shots.

#3 A camera is going to be passed around- please make sure that a picture of YOUR FACE, head on, Head and shoulders-with a plain background, is taken before the end of the period- you don't have to leave the room, but you can use a blank wall, a cabinet, the white board- BE NICE and offer to take the picture of the person next to you! And make sure they are IN FOCUS!

#4- When you have your IDEA for your FINAL project
, please post it- JUST LIKE A BLOG ANSWER (with your name) By this FRIDAY, for 10 points, BACK ON YESTERDAY'S BLOG that's titled:
FINAL project idea

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


YES! A new blog response!

Do a couple quick celebrity morphs at:


How well do you think this website works?

Were your 'morphs' convincing, or just funny?

What celebrity would you add to this library/list that is NOT HERE now???

If you were to morph yourself with a celebrity, who would you morph with???

We will be DOING THIS -(much more professionally, with PhotoShop)- in class tomorrow- which 2 celebrities will you use for YOUR computer Morphing project???

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FINAL project idea

Telling me your final project concept by Friday Feb. 3rd is worth 10 points...

REMEMBER: this is a STORY told through 20 photos, assembled in a PowerPoint slideshow and PRESENTED to the class on FINALS day.

#1- what is your STORY

#2- How will it be VISUALLY linked? (the shots should look like a series of work)

FACE FILTER assignment

This is worth 10 points and DUE in your FILTERS PhotoBucket album by Friday Feb3rd.

You will apply 15 different filters to the same celebrity photo and LABEL EACH ONE with the specific filter you have used.

Post all 15 of these shots in your PhotoBucket FILTERS album.
Fill out an EVALUATION SHEET and turn it in by Friday.


Monday, January 23, 2012


There will be no NEW blog entries until NEXT week, but it would be a good idea for you to spend a few minutes scanning back over the BLOGS from the first half of the TRI to see if you missed any.

You will be given 30 points this 6 wks. and 30 points on the NEXT 6wks. grade for your blog/response completion.

Were you absent a day?

Did you just skip a day and think "I'll do it later" ?

Double check!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Abstract Still Life

To me, the ABSTRACT still life photo is the most difficult to DO RIGHT.

Take a look at TOTKU's work.


And write 3 sentences about WHERE YOU COULD GO here on campus to get a good abstract photograph.

OR discuss WHY someone would be attracted to THIS type of photography instead of photographing people or RECOGNIZABLE things...


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still life assignment

This assignment is only 7 photos, BUT each one should be a very thoughtful and CONTROLLED set up of objects.

For full credit, you'll need to post each ORIGINAL IMAGE in your STILL LIFE folder in PhotoBucket AS WELL AS each image AFTER IT has been edited.

This assignment is DUE Jan 26th and will be worth 40 points... Yes, it is a BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And it is the last grade before the MIDTERM grades are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1- Symmetry- In this picture, you are trying to take a picture that looks the same on the right side as it does on the left side, the objects do not have to be exactly the same, but it should be compositionally close...

2- Abstract - This is a photograph where you can't really tell what the objects IS.. It should be an interesting shape, texture, or pattern, pleasing to the eye- but a mystery!

3- Food - You're going to be arranging some food to be aesthetically pleasing... This can be anything food related, an obscene amount of plentiful overload, a football party spread, a birthday dessert, a romantic dinner, food growing in the garden, a meager snack, or your favorite meal... be sure to control the frame and only include things you INTEND to be in the picture!!!

4- Non-Sequitor- In this shot you are putting some object (or group of objects) in an unusual place for them to be in- By placing objects out-of-context, you create new meaning... A stuffed animal placed in an oven becomes a metaphor for animal abuse... A book in a tree translates into The Tree of Knowledge...

5- Ancient History - In this picture you will be photographing a thing or collection of things that are OVER 10 years old... Decaying and moldy objects can still be quite photogenic!!!

6- Chaos - This picture will depict the disorganization of life- you can find a place that is messed up or create a space that is messed up, BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! Looking down in a garbage can at school may not be as photogenic as a drawer full of jumbled colored pencils... They are both 'chaotic' but the pencils would definately be more worthy of a photograph...

7- METAPHOR- your challenge in this one is to arrange objects that REPRESENT one of these 4 BIG themes- Love, Death, Family, or Power. How can you illustrate the idea of POWER by using large or small objects? Can you find objects that depict a visual notion of what LOVE is? This one is a 'toughy'... It may help you to look up the word METAPHOR, if you just don't 'get it'...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Still Life Photos

REMINDER- The NATURE assignment is DUE TODAY!!! Don't forget to turn in a SELF EVALUATION sheet! I am grading these .t.o.n.i.g.h.t.!!!

So your NEW assignment -(I'll talk about it Wednesday)-is STILL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY, see the Blog post before this one.

As always, it is good to see how some
PROFESSIONALS approach this subject-
To INSPIRE you...
Scroll down through these 35 examples of amazing recent STILL LIFE photographs-


The questions are-

Which one of these do you think was the hardest shot to set up?

Which one do you think uses LIGHTING or COLOR the best?

Which one do you think is too CLUTTERED?

Which one do you think is the MOST DRAMATIC or EMOTIONAL?

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Friday, January 13, 2012

snow blog today


See you Tuesday.


...If we aren't buried in a mountain of snow...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Your Top TWO

Out of the SEVEN tips that are described here for getting good fashion shots:


Which TWO do you think will be the ones that YOU will focus on when you are completing your FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT?

Is there a TIP here that you hadn't thought about?

Is there a TIP here that you just don't think you're able to incorporate?

Is there a TIP here that you don't understand?

Is there a tip here that you think might apply to ALL AREAS of photography???
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Today's blog may take you 15-20 minutes-
YOUR REPLY TODAY IS WORTH 15 POINTS (so make sure you do it correctly...)
the best way to approach your OWN fashion photography is
to acquaint yourself with what's currently being done.
TAKE SOME TIME and look at these links.

Your BLOG REPLY will be a bit different today, you will RANK the following sites from 1-7 (#1 being the best)

Then you will explain WHY you liked the one you LIKED THE MOST and why you ranked the last one at #7 (.w.h.y. was it so bad???)

Use all of the following terms in your explanation- LIGHTING, mood, FACIAL EXPRESSION, backgrounds-locations, POSES, and focus.

a) http://www.imagefactorywest.com/fashion-photography/fashionphotographer.html


c) http://www.tarunkhiwal.com/

d) http://www.juliakennedy.com/portfolio2.htm

e) http://4-optic.com/

f) http://www.econephoto.com/fashion.html

g) http://www.richardavedon.com/#mi=1&pt=0π=3&p=-1&a=-1&at=-1

DO NOT USE INTERNET EXPLORER!!!!!!! use Mozilla FireFox

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Monday, January 9, 2012


Much different than 'runway' or 'magazine' fashion photography, this type of fashion photography is more about what REAL PEOPLE are wearing RIGHT NOW.

It is more of a documentation than a sales pitch.

Check out


... And click on a couple country links on the RIGHT SIDE box...

Which country do you think has the most PROGRESSIVE or INTERESTING street fashions?

Which country (other than the USA) do you think YOU'D fit in with YOUR own STYLE???

Which country do you think has the WaCKIEST or CrAZIest fashion sense???
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FIRST OFF: Fashion Photography is -h-a-r-d---
So, do not underestimate how difficult it will be to get good shots where you control focus, background, people's expressions and poses, AND THE LOOK OF YOUR CLOTHING ITEMS!!!

These 10 shots are DUE, in your FASHION album, on January 20th- for 30 points.
Don't forget to LABEL EACH IMAGE and fill out an evaluation sheet once they are posted...

ALSO- read the EDITING REQUIREMENT at the bottom of this post - it is NEW and it will be EXPECTED on this assignment (and all future assignments in this class)

THE FIRST STEP is to choose your item and RESERVE IT with Mr.L... I cannot have 30 people doing 'shoes' as their item...

The 10 shots consist of:

#1- ISOLATED item- just the item, by itself, looking PERFECT with a completely neutral background.

#2- ENVIRONMENT item- just the item, in a set-up environment created for it (or appropriate for it)- think of the cowboy boots on the bail of hay in the barn- you find or create a background that FITS your item.

#3-#4-#5-#6- MODEL shots- you need someone to model your item as you take various shots- each shot is different- try to control the background and CONTROL YOUR MODELs poses and facial expression!!!

#7-#8-#9-#10- THE SCENARIO- your are telling a simple 4 step 'story' where your model is DOING SOMETHING while wearing the item. As simple a story as playing fetch with the dog- or as complex a story as a boyfriend breakup...

EDITING REQUIREMENT- in your FASHION album you need to post all of your ORIGINAL photos with the title : ORIGINAL
and then each shot should be edited in photoshop elements and re-posted with their assignment title: ISOLATED, ENVIRONMENT, MODEL, or SCENARIO

IF this doesn't make sense, ASK ME! I will take off a significant amount of points for posting/labeling images incorrectly!!!!

CLICK ---this link--- to see an example of how I want these titles and edits to look in YOUR album.